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What Is the ODD Function and How to Use It in Excel - 2 Examples

The odd function rounds a positive numerical value up to the nearest odd integer (whole number), and rounds negative numerical values down to the nearest odd integer.


= ODD([number])

number = the value or input that is to be rounded. Can be a cell reference or a hardcoded value.


This function is categorized as a "Math and Trigonometry", and its primary purpose is to round a given value to the nearest odd integer (an integer being a whole number without any decimals i.e. 1, 5, 225...) . This function always rounds away from zero, meaning a positive value with be rounded up, and a negative value will be rounded down. It's also worth noting 0 will round up to 1.

*All input values will follow the rules set in the table above.


1. Round Positive Integers and Decimals to the Nearest Odd Integer

The ODD function makes it very easy to round any input up to the nearest odd integer to fit your needs.

2. Round Negative Integers and Decimals to the Nearest Odd Integer

The same can be done for negative numbers, but instead rounding down to the nearest odd integer.

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