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Understanding Objects in VBA
An object in VBA is an Excel component such as a workbook, worksheet, or range, that you can interact with and manipulate. These are...

How to Refresh Power Query using VBA
Avoid manually running your query by hand every time and automate it using a few easy macros. Contents: 1. Macros 1.1. Refresh a Specific...

How to Sum Cells By Color in Excel
While not a built-in Excel feature, we can create our own function to easily sum cells by color. Contents: 1. How to Use VBA User Defined...

How to Enable the Developer Tab in Excel
The Developer tab in Excel is hidden by default, but offers some very important functions and built in features that every Excel Expert...

How to Count Colored Cells in Excel
While not a built-in Excel feature, we can create our own function to easily count colored cells. Contents: 1. How to Use VBA User...

Creating Fully Playable Yahtzee in Excel
Contents: 1. Download 2. How to Play 3. How Does it Work? 3.1 Dice Display 3.2 Rolling & Freezing Dice 3.3 Score Keeping & Entry 3.4 Turn...

Understanding Dynamic Arrays - VBA Tutorial
A dynamic array is an array that can change size on the fly, unlike a static array that has a fixed number of elements. Contents: 1. What...

What are Macros? Are They Hard to Learn? Should You? - VBA Tutorial
Macros are used inside an Excel workbook that automate repetitive and complex tasks, allowing you to streamline your workflow and save...

How to Create a Macro in Excel - VBA Tutorial
Knowing how to create macros will let you automate repetitive tasks and create your own customized features and functions in Excel. There...

What are Arrays and How to Use Them - VBA Tutorial
An array is a set of values that are stored in a structured, linear way, allowing you to store and manipulate a large number of values in...

What are With Statements and How to Use Them - VBA Tutorial
In VBA, a with statement is used to reference an object multiple times within a specific block of code. Reducing typing and creating more...

What are Do While Loops and How to Use Them - VBA Tutorial
In VBA, a Do While loop is a type of loop that will continue to repeat a set of instructions until a specific condition is met. Contents:...

VBA Naming Conventions & How to Write Good Variable Names - VBA Tutorial
Naming your variables properly is an important, but often overlooking, building block that, once learned, will improve your codes...

How to Declare Variables and Data Types - VBA Tutorial
Declaring variables is an essential part of programming in VBA. Declaring properly will help you avoid errors and improve the overall...

How to Structure VBA Code and Macros in Excel - VBA Tutorial
When creating macros and writing VBA, it is important to logically structure your code to maximize readability and ensure your code is as...

How to Write Presentable VBA Code and Macros - VBA Tutorial
Good code presentation is an important part of writing VBA (or any other programming language for that matter), and will make your code...

What are For Loops and How to Use Them - VBA Tutorial
For loops are an essential programming method used across many different languages, and allow for more precise, readable, and flexible...

How to Update Pivot Table Data Sources on New & Copied Workbooks with VBA
When copying workbooks, sometimes Pivot Tables/Caches Won't update and link properly, here's a work around.
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