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How to Use the IMABS Function in Excel
The IMABS function is used to find the absolute value of a complex number. It takes a complicated formula and turns it into a...

How to Perform a Two-Way XLOOKUP
A regular, one-way XLOOKUP, is a fantastic tool, but sometimes you may find yourself needing to lookup a value in two different...

How to Remove Extra Spaces from Text
Unwanted spaces can break formulas, formatting, and be the source of hard to track down errors. Here are a couple ways to remove them....

How to Change Cell Color in Excel
Changing cell color can highlight specific areas on your worksheet that may otherwise go unnoticed. Specific problems, important...

How to Unstack Uneven Data From a List in Excel
While the WRAPROWS function can be great to unstack a list with an even number of items, we'll need a custom formula to wrap, or unstack...

How to Reverse or Flip First and Last Names in Excel
You'll often see names that are out of order, and need to flip them. Here are a couple quick formulas to help you accomplish that task....

How to Create Index Columns Using Dynamically Spilled Arrays
Add an index column to any dynamic array using a few of the latest Excel functions for easy lookups. Contents: 1. Adding Index Column to...

How to Refresh Power Query using VBA
Avoid manually running your query by hand every time and automate it using a few easy macros. Contents: 1. Macros 1.1. Refresh a Specific...

How to Create a Dynamic Array of Repeating Cells
Create a repeating list based off of a range and a specific numbers of repetitions. Contents: 1. Formula 2. Explanation Formula To...

How to Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates in Excel
A short formula you can use to calculate the number of days between two specific dates. Contents: 1. Formula 2. Explanation 3. Example...

How to Calculate Weekend Days Between Two Dates in Excel
An easy formula you can use to calculate the number of weekend days between two specific dates. Contents: 1. Formulas 2. Explanation 3....

How to Calculate Number of Weekend Days Left in the Current Month in Excel
A quick formula to calculate the number of weekend or non-working days remaining in the current month. Contents: 1. Formulas 2....

How to Calculate Number of Weekdays Left in the Current Month in Excel
A quick formula to calculate the number of weekdays, business days, or working days remaining in the current month. Contents: 1. Formulas...

How to Highlight Weekdays in Excel
Using conditional formatting, we can use a custom formula to highlight all weekday dates from any date range, letting you visually see...

How to Autofill Columns with Multiple Values
If you have ever gotten a report that looks like this, you know it can be a pain to work with. It's like a PivotTable without the Pivot....
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