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How to Create a Dynamic Array of Repeating Cells

How to Create a Dynamic Array of Repeating Cells

Create a repeating list based off of a range and a specific numbers of repetitions.



To creating a dynamic repeating sequence use this formula:

= TOCOL(CHOOSECOLS(input_range, SEQUENCE(1,repetitions,1,0)))

input_range - the range of cells, values, or items to repeat

repetitions - the number of times each item will be repeated


This formula can be broken down into a few different functions and steps.

The three main functions used are:

TOCOL - Turns an array into a single column

CHOOSECOLS - Returns specific columns from a specified array

SEQUENCE - Creates a sequence of values

Creating a dynamic repeating sequence of arrays

= TOCOL(CHOOSECOLS(input_range, SEQUENCE(1,repetitions,1,0)))

In this formula, the input_range is the range of cells that you want to repeat, while repetitions is the number of times each item will be repeated.

The SEQUENCE() function creates a sequence of numbers, and is used to direct the CHOOSECOLS function to repeat our input range. The 1 in the first argument is the number of rows to create, the column argument is the number of repetitions, and the following 1 and 0 values are start value (1) and the increment value (0), so our sequence starts at 1 and repeats 1 depending on the reptation number.

excel sequence function

Then the CHOOSECOLS function replaces each "1" from the SEQUENCE function, with our input range. Ending up with something like this:

excel combining CHOOSECOLS and SEQUENCE

excel dynamic array of repeating values from list or range

The final step is to use the TOCOL function, which takes a two-dimensional array like the one above, and outputs the array into a single vertical column like we see on the left here.

This creates a spilled, dynamic array that will automatically adjust its size to match both our input values, and the

number of times each is repeated.

excel vertical repeated dynamic array

In this example, we have a list of 6 fruit, and are are repeating them 3 times each to form our final output array.

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