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How to Convert Large Decimal Numbers to Binary

How to Convert Large Decimal Numbers to Binary in excel

There are lots of ways to convert decimal numbers into binary. Excel has a built in function for small numbers, but you'll need a custom formula for larger ones.



Convert Small Decimal Numbers:

= DEC2BIN(number)

number - The decimal number you wish to convert into binary

(Nearly) Unlimited Length Decimal Number:

    decimal, number,
    DecToBinary, LAMBDA(decimal, IF(decimal < 2, decimal, DecToBinary(INT(decimal / 2)) & MOD(decimal, 2))),

number - The decimal number you wish to convert into binary

Note: This formula requires the latest version of Excel, 365.


How to Convert Large Decimal Numbers to Binary Form

The DEC2BIN function has a limit +/-511 (or 10 binary characters), if the number exceeds this, a #NUM error will be returned.

How to Convert Large Decimal Numbers to Binary Form

To get around this we'll need a custom formula that does the conversion math for us:

    decimal, number,
    DecToBinary, LAMBDA(decimal, IF(decimal < 2, decimal, DecToBinary(INT(decimal / 2)) & MOD(decimal, 2))),

Now, if we drop this new formula along side the large decimal numbers, pointing the "decimal" variable to the decimal numbers, the formula will convert any size decimal number into binary form:

large decimal numbers to binary

Division by Two Method

To start with, the method used here to convert into binary is called the division-by-2 method.

Just as decimal numbers can be broken up and divided into 10s, (tens, hundreds, thousands place) decimal numbers can be divided by 2s.

dec2bin function limitation workaround

Using this method, you start off with the number you want to convert, "102" in this case, and divide that number by two.

If it divides evenly, you get a perfect division with a remainder of 0. If not, you get a remainder of 1. Since 102 / 2 = 51 , then 0 will be our first binary digit.

Decimal to binary conversion for large numbers in Excel

The process is then repeated with the divided number. So, 51 / 2 = 25 with a remainder of 1. This 1 becomes the second binary digit.

binary division by two method

This process is repeated until no more division is possible, with the quotient reaching 0, and a final 0 or 1 as the remainder.

The first remainder is known as the "least significant" binary digit, and the last remainder is known as the "most significant" binary digit.

excel division by two method

By stacking these digits in reverse order, we get a properly converted binary number. "1100110" being the binary form of 102.

Formula Breakdown

Decimal to binary conversion for large numbers in Excel

In case you're curious, let's go through this formula and understand how the conversion is taking place.

This formula uses the LET function which allows us to store and call variables repeatedly throughout a formula. The variable "decimal", and the calculation "DecToBinary" are used here.

dec2bin for numbers longer than 10 bits in excel
decimal, number,

This first line takes a decimal number, either hardcoded or a cell reference, as an input, and stores the number as "decimal".

Next is the LAMBDA function. The first part:

IF(decimal <2, decimal,

Is to handle the decimal numbers 0 and 1. If this part is missing, the formula will convert them to "00" and "01", respectively, which may not be desired.

However if the decimal is 2 or greater than the LAMBDA function calls itself recursively.

Large decimal to binary conversion in Excel - formula only
DecToBinary(INT(decimal / 2)) & MOD(decimal, 2))),

This is the core of the formula. For any number 2 or greater, the formula divides the number by 2 using INT(decimal / 2). This operation performs integer division, basically rounding off the result of dividing the decimal by two, and moves us to the next binary digit position.

Using DEC2BIN() with large numbers

The remainder is obtained using MOD(decimal, 2), which is either 0 or 1. This remainder is the actual binary digit corresponding to the current position.

The formula then concatenates the result of the recursive call with "&" with the current binary digit (the remainder). This builds the binary number from right to left, starting with the least significant bit.

excel formula to convert large decimal numbers to binary

The recursion continues until the division results in a number less than 2, at which point the base case of the recursion returns the final digit, and the concatenation process builds the binary number in reverse order.

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