An easy formula you can use to calculate the number of weekend days between two specific dates.
Calculate number of weekend days between two dates:
= DAYS(end_date, start_date)+1 - NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date)
Calculate number of weekends between two dates:
= (DAYS(end_date, start_date)+1 - NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date))/2

This formula can be broken up into two parts.
We first need to calculate the total number of days between two dates, and subtract out the number of weekdays, leaving us with the number of weekend days.
To calculate the total number of days we use the DAYS function, which returns the number of days between a start and end date. We need to add 1 to this number to correctly include the end date, which otherwise would be excluded.
To calculate the number of weekdays, we use the NETWORKDAYS function, which will return the number of business days between ta start and end date.
Then, subtract the two together. So, if the date is August 21st, there are 10 days left in the current month, and 8 of those are weekdays, so there are 2 weekend days remaining.
= 10 days - 8 weekdays = 2 weekend days
How to Calculate the Number of Weekend Days Between Dates

Given a start date and an end date, we can use the following formula to easily calculate the number of weekend days between two dates.
In this example, we are using the dates in column A as our start date, and the dates in column B as our end dates.
So, the formula needed is:
= DAYS(B2, A2)+1 - NETWORKDAYS(A2, B2)
How to Calculate the Number of Weekends Between Dates

We can use a similar formula to calculate the number of actual weekends between two dates instead of the number of weekend days. The only change needed is to divide our previous formula by 2.
So, our formula would be changed to:
= (DAYS(B2, A2)+1 - NETWORKDAYS(A2, B2))/2
This formula takes our start and end date columns and calculates the number of remaining weekends in that specific period.