Formatting names can be a manual and slow process. Here is a quick method to turn a middle name into a middle initial when given a full name.
To abbreviate a middle initial in a full name like "John Riley Smith" into "John R. Smith", use the following formula (assuming the name is in cell A1):
= TEXTBEFORE(A1, " ") & " " & LEFT(TEXTAFTER(A1," ")) & ". " & TEXTAFTER(A1," ", 2)
If you do not have access to the latest Excel formulas, this formula can be used across most Excel versions:
= LEFT(A1, FIND(" ", A1) - 1) & " " & LEFT(MID(A1, FIND(" ", A1) + 1, LEN(A1)), 1) & ". " & RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1) - FIND(" ", A1, FIND(" ", A1) + 1))
In order to abbreviate the middle initial in a full name, we need to do three separate steps.

The first step is to return the first name, we can use TEXTBEFORE to return everything before the first space.

Next, we need to abbreviate the middle initial. We can do this by returning the middle name and then taking the first letter. We can combine LEFT and TEXTAFER to extract this.

Lastly, we need to return the last name. We can use TEXTAFTER again, but this time, we need to use a "2" under the instance number argument to tell the function to pull everything after the second space (which should just be the last name).
=TEXTAFTER(A1," ", 2)

Combine everything together using "&" and the correct spaces and punctuation to get:
= TEXTBEFORE(A1, " ") & " " & LEFT(TEXTAFTER(A1," ")) & ". " & TEXTAFTER(A1," ", 2)